28 November 2024, Amman, Jordan


Conference +peacock awards.


The World Social Media Forum will be taking place on 28 November 2024, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Amman, under the theme "Connect, Innovate, Impact: Our journey towards a sustainable & connected world." It will highlight successful global experiences, key transformations, and technological trends that contributes to changing the content industry landscape and its impact on audience behavior and future interaction with digital platforms.

The World Social Media Forum is a premier event in the region, bringing together 350+ marketing, PR & communication professionals, media institutions, PR & marketing agencies, journalists, editors-in-chief, and content creators.

The forum will address a range of topics related to innovation and media impact, with a focus on key areas: the revolution of generative AI in transforming content creation, the power of data-driven content, the rise of the vertical media: how to target niche audiences, and the role of drama and cinema production in the entertainment industry's growth.

تواصل، ابتكار، تأثير:
نحو عالم مستدام ومتواصل

سيُعقد المنتدى العالمي للتواصل الاجتماعي في 28 نوفمبر 2024، في فندق فورسيزونز عمان، تحت شعار “تواصل، ابتكار، تأثير: نحو عالم مستدام ومتواصل” ويسلط الضوء على أفضل التجارب العالمية الناجحة، وأهم التحولات، والاتجاهات التكنولوجية التي قد تسهم في تغيير منظومة صناعة المحتوى، وتأثير ذلك على نمط وسلوك المتلقي وتفاعله المستقبلي مع المنصات الرقمية.

يُعتبر المنتدى العالمي للتواصل الاجتماعي الحدث الأهم من نوعه في المنطقة، الذي يجمع 350+ من قادة قطاع التسويق والعلاقات العامة من الشركات والمؤسسات التجارية والمؤسسات الإعلامية، ومؤسسات التصميم و التسويق والإعلانات والصحفيين ورؤساء التحرير، وصناع المحتوى.

يتناول المنتدى مجموعة من المواضيع المتعلقة في الابتكار في التواصل والتأثير في الإعلام الذي تم اختياره شعاراً لهذه الدورة، مع التركيز على محاور رئيسية، وهما ، ثورة الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي في تحول صناعة المحتوى، قوة المحتوى القائم على البيانات، صعود مفهوم قطاع ميديا مستهدف في الاعلام: كيفية استهداف جماهير الصغيرة، ودور الإنتاج الدرامي والسينمائي في نمو صناعة الترفيه.

What's new this year?

This year's World Social Media Forum encompass a diverse range of contemporary and compelling topics selected to meet industry needs and interests. Speakers this year will address a variety of current and future topics related to the evolution of social media and its applications across different domains. Additionally, there will be opportunities to network with a diverse array of prominent figures in the media and social media world, providing a chance to build new connections and expand professional networks.

ما الجديد هذا العام؟

يتضمن المنتدى العالمي للتواصل الاجتماعي هذا العام على مجموعة من المواضيع الحديثة والمميزة التي تم اختيارها لتلبية احتياجات صناعة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والإعلام. وسوف يتناول المتحدثون مواضيع تتعلق بتطورات الإعلام الاجتماعي واستخداماتها في مختلف المجالات. وكما ستكون هناك فرصة للتواصل مع نخبة من الشخصيات في عالم الإعلام والتواصل الاجتماعي، مما يوفر فرصة لبناء شبكات جديدة وتوسيع نطاق الاتصالات المهنية.

World Social Media Forum gathered the brightest minds in media, social media, PR & communication and marketing. Learn new skills and get insights from experts and practitioners from all around!

يجمع المنتدى العالمي للتواصل الاجتماعي “قمة الإعلام” نخبة من قادة الإعلام المميزين، العلاقات العامة والاتصال والتسويق. تعلم مهارات جديدة واحصل على رؤى من خبراء الإعلام والتسويق واستمع الى قصصهم الملهمة

Below you'll find the schedule for WSMForum. We'll keep this page regularly updated with all new speakers and sessions, so be sure to keep checking in!

إيمانًا بأهمية وسائل الإعلام والمنصات الرقمية ومالها من قيمةٍ بارزة فنحن نسعى من خلال محاور المنتدى الهادفة والمؤثرة إلى دعم استدامة وسائل الإعلام في العالم العربي.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

08:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Networking & Registration

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks

Ayman Irshaid
Founder & CEO, moments.

10:15 AM – 10:30 AM

Guest of Honor Speech

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

تواصل، ابتكار، تأثير: نحو عالم مستدام ومتواصل

جلسة نقاش: وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والإعلام ومدى تأثيرهم بالاتجاهات الحديثة، وكيفية تعزيز المساهمة الإيجابية لوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والاعلام في صياغة مستقبل أفضل.
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Networking Coffee break

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Explore the realm of circular and resilient product design, shaping a brighter future for all.

Dive deep into discussions surrounding the intersection of technology and innovation, driving the creation of products that foster a sustainable economy. Join industry pioneers as they offer valuable perspectives on sustainable materials, design strategies, and the construction of products aimed at cultivating a more resilient and promising tomorrow.

12:30 PM – 12:50 PM

Unlocking the Potential of Creator-Driven Storytelling: How to Leverage Creators Successfully

Embark on a journey with us as we delve into the art of creator-driven storytelling. Gain valuable insights and practical tips on seamlessly integrating creators into your brand's narrative. From partnering with influencers to utilizing user-generated content, uncover the secrets to leveraging creators' storytelling skills for authentic and impactful brand experiences.

12:50 PM – 01:10 PM

Expanding Inclusivity: Overcoming Challenges in Building an Inclusive Brand

In today's landscape, brands face heightened scrutiny regarding their inclusivity efforts—consumers demand representation. However, achieving this inclusivity on a large scale is essential to avoid appearing tokenistic. Nevertheless, scaling inclusivity poses numerous challenges. Join this discussion to hear from leading brands about their strategies for scaling inclusivity and the obstacles they've encountered along the way.

01:10 PM – 01:30 PM

Decoding the Magic of Viral Campaigns: Lessons from Global Success Stories

Step into the world of viral campaigns with us and uncover the secrets behind their success. Learn what it takes to become viral and shareable in today's digital landscape. This discussion will move beyond theory, delving into how successful brands ingeniously incorporate shareability into their products and seamlessly extend this concept from product-centric experiences to internationally resonant campaigns. Discover the strategic components that turn ordinary products into shareable sensations and gain insights into infusing virality into the essence of your brand.

01:30 PM – 02:30 PM

Lunch Networking Break

02:30 PM – 03:20 PM

The Rise of Vertical TV: Social Media's Impact on Viewing Habits

Discover the transformative influence of social media on our viewing experiences. Delve into innovative strategies across major platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok, and learn how pioneering creators are reshaping global video consumption trends.

03:20 PM – 03:40 PM

Unlocking Revenue Streams: Building a Sustainable Independent Media Venture

Join us as we explore the intricacies of monetization for independent media enterprises. Discover the strategies employed by successful businesses to thrive through avenues such as subscriptions/memberships, advertising, events, and beyond.

03:40 PM – 04:00 PM

Navigating the New Media Landscape: Strategies for Success in a Post-Social, AI-Powered Era

Amidst the changing dynamics of online platforms and the emergence of AI-generated content, establishing direct-to-consumer relationships is paramount. Join us to explore the evolving patterns of content consumption, audience interaction, and media revenue in this rapidly shifting landscape.

Peacock Awards

06:30 PM – 08:00 PM

Reception and Photo Shoutings

08:00 PM – 11:00 PM

Peacock Awards Ceremony Gala-Dinner


The WSMForum has a variety of ticket types to suit the variety of designers out there. Find out the best option for you and your team!

Individual Ticket


Includes access to a full day of talks across the 1 day a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Breakout Sessions Yes
  • Yes

Group of 5+ Discount


Includes access to a full day of talks across the 1 day a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Breakout Sessions Yes
  • Yes

We wouldn't be able to host our conference without help from these amazing companies. A huge thanks to all our sponsors and partners!



Beyond the sessions. Best of #WSMForum

Networking at the World Social Media Forum is built right into the schedule and even into some of the sessions. From early morning networking walks to the amazing evening events, there’s plenty of opportunity to connect with fellow marketers.